Nathalie Pereira

nathalie-pereiraNathalie Pereira, 37 years old, graduated from the ESCE school (Ecole Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur – Paris) and carried on with a Marketing MBA from the AEP-ESADE. She began her professional life in Portugal, working as Customer Service and Marketing Manager for the number 1 steel bottle manufacturer for gas applications. Having held the position for seven years she decides to create her own consultancy business in Portugal. She develops her Marketing, Communication and Sales Management consultancy business for over two years.
In March 2007 Nathalie Pereira is hired by Cermex to be their Group Strategic Marketing Manager. She is responsible for the Product Development Plan for Asia and France, as well as Competition and Marketing intelligence.

Read Nathalie Pereira’s opinion column: “Ergonomics is a priority for our customers